Recommended Reading

Achieving self-awareness and ways to go beyond limiting beliefs through mindfulness and meditation. This book transformed my life… Click here to purchase The Untethered Soul.

In this gem of a book, Thich Nhat Hanh illustrates what it means to be mindful and take the time and the enjoyment that comes from paying attention to even the smallest gesture, like opening the door, washing the dishes or talking to a friend. By learning to slow down and being present thanks to the exercises offered here, I became much more aware of how increasingly “absent” I was becoming in my own life and how much it was hurting me. Click here to purchase The Miracle of Mindfulness.

A book to be read slowly. Each sentence is packed with deep meaning and multi-layered significance. It helped me tremendously staying in the present and learning to enjoy and accept each moment as is. Click here to purchase The Power of Now.

This book tackles a very pervasive aspect of our daily lives, the Inner Critic, which can cause anxiety, guilt and fear. This books walks one through exercises on how to deal with and eventually to eliminate the influence of the Inner Critic. Click here to purchase Embracing Your Inner Critic.

How a simple code of contact can create freedom and inner peace by being mindful of our thoughts, beliefs and spoken words. A great reminder of why we shouldn’t take things personally, keep our word impeccable, always do our best, and not make assumptions. Click here to purchase The Four Agreements.

The first spiritually-oriented book I ever approached, The Seat of the Soul explains in simple terms the concept of having a Higher Self (soul) and ways to keep its presence alive and nurtured throughout our lives. Click here to purchase The Seat of the Soul.

In the worst moments of our lives, True Refuge offers just the right kind of suggestions to feel better immediately, by relying our our beautiful heart and the compassion we can extend to ourselves with a few simple exercises. Written by Tara Brach, a psychologist with years of experience in treating depression (first on herself and her feeling of not being worthy), she conveys the intimate details of not feeling worthy of love or recognition, and guides you through ways to improve your feelings and therefore your life. Click here to purchase True Refuge.

This anthology features my award-winning essay, “Mothering Mothers, and Finding Comfort in the Branches of an Empty Nest” – a harrowing narration of how my life span out of control when my only daughter left for college and the lessons I gleaned from it. How I coped with the sudden emptiness and the relationship that developed over time between her and I. A must read for empty-nesters. Click here to purchase Nothing But The Truth So Help Me God.

Since 2002, The War of Art has inspired people around the world to defeat “Resistance”; to recognize and knock down dream-blocking barriers and to silence the naysayers within us. Resistance kicks everyone’s butt, and the desire to defeat it is equally as universal. The War of Art identifies the enemy that every one of us must face, outlines a battle plan to conquer this internal foe, then pinpoints just how to achieve the greatest success. Click here to purchase The War of Art.